From here you may access the most enlightening websites in the world of religion. Shoghi Effendi, the great-grandson of Baha'u'llah foretold of this grand age, when the world of humanity could communicate freely on the Internet. He prophesied that:
"...a mechanism of world inter-communication will be devised, embracing
the whole planet, freed from national hindrances and restrictions, and functioning
with marvelous swiftness and perfect regularity..." -Shoghi Effendi
If you accessed this Links Page as a result of an inquiry to a Search Engine or Web Directory then we recommend you start your journey with a visit to the Homepage of the Alaska Northern Lights Baha'i. It is a sheer joy. The Northern Lights site shows the commonality of all the worlds religions as well as the flaws in each. It is a hearty and enlightening exigises through time from the past to the future. There is inspiration for members of every path. Some of the categories and articles are:
This site also has a press release about WWIII, and it is a gateway site to the Baha'i chat room. Bon Voyage!
Oh yes! Any true seeker must spend some time at the all new Bahai Faith Network where you will find a vast amount of information regarding the Baha'i Faith. Topics include: An introduction to the Baha'i Faith, a list of who's who in the Baha'i Faith, an online tour of the principles of the Baha'i Faith, a selection of Baha'i scriptures, fireside classes, a tour of Ezekiels Temple and the Great Pyramid of Giza, a Kabbalah study, a Baha'i Covenant deepening, a genealogy of the children of God, a Baha'i chat room, access to a selection of Baha'i audio files, a Baha'i message board, Baha'i announcements, press releases, current events dissertations, and more... See you there!
If you like Blogs, we highly recommend Baha'i Justice
where you will also find more information than you can shake a stick at! Start
with an introduction to the Baha'i Faith, then read and post with an extremely
active community, use the Baha'i Sans-Guardian Search Engine to find anything Baha'i,
read from a great selection of Baha'i writings, preview and/or arrange to study
the Baha'i firesides with a Teacher online, access a huge library of Baha'i
Audio Files, enter the Baha'i Video Room, or study the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Most excellent!
online Baha'i publication. Here you will find Baha'i documents on Baha'i topics
and subjects and Christian subjects including "the Beast." CHINVAT has
Baha'i writings, both principle works and by selected authors. There is a photo
gallery and a selection of Baha'i art and poetry. There are featured
articles here too. To top it off, CHINVAT has an ARCHIVE and it is searchable.
If you have an interest in Native American studies then you should make the website at Ghost Dance Pages your next stop. Here you will find out all about the Indian prophecies for Baha'u'llah and the "Great Day of Resurrection." Aho Metah-quiasi!
Baha'i Faith Videos: For Seekers of the Truth is a real eye opener!
Lighting The Way brings the down-home warmth of Tennesee!
Go to Duluth Baha'i to see upcoming events!
The Midwest Baha'i Center of the Central States
has a little of everything for the seeker of light. There are links to the Baha'i
Firesides and downloadable files of Why Life, Over the Wall, Mythical Jesus and
the Book of Revelation explained. There are also a selection of Baha'i writings
from Baha'u'llah (Words of Wisdom, Tablet to the Christians, Glad Tidings, Guidance
for the "True Seeker"), 'Abdu'l-Baha (Fourth Dimensional Conciousness, Prophecy),
and an assortment from Baha'i authors (Peace with Prejudice? Impossible, 12 Principles
12 Foundation Stones of New Jerusalem, The Ghost Dance, The Harvest, and The Reality
of Islam). And finally, on the lighter side, there is a collection of religious
humor. This site is no laughing matter though!
Would you rather read about all this in FRENCH? The Baha'is in FRANCE have opened up that door for you as well!
Like the HEAT? Visit our sites in INDIA...
Up in Alaska it's real cold but the Anchorage
Baha'i Website is warm and cozy and we have room for the RUSSIANS too! "Peace on Earth Without Justcie is a Tyrrany!" Only when the two major super-powers of Russia and America are solid and fast-freinds will the foundation of justcie be established for all people in the world--east, west, north and south! Alaska is the place that has the space! Content includes categories for: What
is a Baha'i?-- Principles of the Baha'i Faith-- Local Baha'i Faith Announcements--
a list of the Baha'i Holy Days-- a History of the Baha'i Faith-- Selected Writings
and Prayers. Surf the Superhighway to the Great White North!
Want to know whats happening in the LOWER 48? CONTACT the UNITED STATES NATIONAL COUNCIL of the Amercian Baha'is. These rugged individualists are under the provisions of the Covenant and won't take "No" for an answer! They are determined to be of the first who are real citizens of the world and fulfill America's SPIRITUAL DESTINY given by 'Abdu'l-Baha in THE TABLETS OF THE DIVINE PLAN!
"...the first shall be last" -Jesus. Maybe we've saved the best site for last, you be the judge when you visit the Great Pyramid Prophecy Page! Did you know that the Great Pyramid of Giza was actually a chronological book of prophecy in stone? This site shows the plan of God from A-Z. In the Pyramid is information regarding the: [Revelation of Adam] [Enoch] [The Authenticity] [Timescale] [Date for Jesus] [Exodus of Moses] [Date for Abraham] [Advent of Noah] [Date for Adam] [The Great Patriarch] [Advent of Moses] [The 3 Granite Plugs] [The Curse] [The Regathering] [Date for Krishna] [Date for Zoroaster] [Date for Buddha] [Date for Crucifixion] [Date for Muhammad] [Date for Enoch] [Date for The Bab] [Date for Baha'u'llah] [The Three Chambers] [The Temple] [Displacement Factor] [Holy of Holies] [Melchizedec] [The High Priest] [Return of Jesus] and their is even a Great Pyramid Message Board at this site. Friends, if you want higher knowledge, you've got to peruse the online now!