- There are twelve basic principles upon which
this New Jerusalem rests, and which are most remarkably correlated
to the twelve foundation stones of the New Jerusalem of St. John's vision
as regards their spiritual significance and their colors, for they are spiritual
symbols and are not material stones, as Abdu'l-Baha has said. "Let
us consider them in this light."
- The first Baha'i Basic Principle is:
"The Oneness of the World of Humanity." "Hands may be
black, white, yellow, or brown, but the hue of the heart is one." The
first foundation stone is the jasper ; it is a clear red,
like the hue of the heart. In ancient times it was called the bloodstone.
- The second Basic Principle is: "The
Independent Investigation of Truth." All must be free to seek out
truth in their own way. The second foundation stone, the sapphire,
is a clear blue, 'true blue,' and the color of faith, inspiration,
loyalty and truth. Man must be free to soar in this "Dome of Heaven's
blue truth," and see it with his own eyes.
- The third Basic Principle is: "The
Foundation of all Religions is one." Each Revelator has given the
same "New Heaven and Earth" but man has polluted and misrepresented
these Divine Laws. In reality, they are all one. The third foundation stone,
the chalcedony , is pure white, of which Abdu'l-Baha said: "While
white is apparent, yet in it is hidden and concealed the seven colors. In
white all colors are brothers and sisters." White is the symbol of purity,
and in its origin each religion is pure, and a brother to every other religion,
for all Truth is one.
- The fourth Basic Principle is: "Religion
Must Be the Source of Unity." If it is not, its non-being were better
than its being. The fourth foundation stone, the emerald, is
green . Green is the color of harmony and unity. There is no color
known that green will not harmonize with, as the green foliage blends with
every hued flower. It is the color of immortality and also of humility.
- The fifth Basic Principle is: "Religion
must be in accord with Science and Reason." Neither must deny the
other. The fifth foundation stone, the sardonyx, is red
or brown, according to the way it is held. as it is with science and
religion; they are in essence one, but differ in color of manifestation. Today
they are coming closer together in their realities in the minds of thinking
- The sixth basic Principle is: "The
Equality of Men and Women." They must be as the two wings of the
soul, each equally developed. The sixth foundation stone, the sardius,
is a stone in two layers, one white and one red, symbolic of the two
in one who unitedly further the progress of mankind.
- The seventh Basic Principle is: "Removal
of all Prejudice; Religious, Racial, National, Political, etc." The
seventh foundation stone, the pure chrysolite, is exquisitely clear,
slightly tinted green. We read in the ancient philosophies of the Chrysolite
Tablet that it is the symbol of absolute sincerity and truthfulness, purity
and selflessness. Only when our hearts are free from every form of prejudice
can they become the 'chrysolite tablet' wheron may be engraved our thoughts
and motives.
- The eight Basic Principle is: "Universal
Peace." The eighth foundation stone, the beryl, isgreenish-blue
; somewhat like the ocean wave as it mounts toward its crest, the blue
of faith and loyalty toward our brother man, the green of humility and unity,
the harmonious blending into one symmetrical whole, like a beautiful bouquet
of flowers. This established in the hearts of man, will also establish Universal
- The ninth Basic Principle is: "Universal
Education." The ninth foundation stone, the topaz,
the glory of the sun, is symbolic of the light of knowledge and the glory
of wisdom, which universal education will establish in the world when the
golden topaz, Light of the Teachings of Bah�'u'll�h, is understood
and lived.
- The tenth Basic Principle is: "The
Spiritual Solution of the Economic Problem." The tenth foundation
stone, the chrysoprasus, is like opaque chrysolite, a
clear green which embodies truthfulness, justice, sincerity and purity,
and these are the requisites necessary for the solution of all economic problems-the
Golden Rule-"Do unto others as ye would that they would do unto you."
- The eleventh Basic Principle is: "A
Universal Language." The eleventh foundation stone, the jacinth,
is somewhat like the jasper, rose red, the universal color, the hue
of the heart. A race can only understand the heart of another when it can
speak the same language.
- The twelfth Basic Principle is : "An
International Tribunal, or Parliament of Nations---The Universal House of
Justice with the Davidic Guardian." The twelfth foundation stone,
the amethyst, is violet. It symbolizes spiritual light--reverence,
healing, serenity, and poise. This Tribunal of all nations must be as the
ultraviolet rays for the 'healing of the nations' and it must seek spiritual
light in all reverence, that it may fulfill its high calling, imparting a
sense of security, poise and serenity to the hearts of all humanity.
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