Where did the Christian church get the theory of the
trinity? Not Read on and you will see that the trinity has come straight out of the pages of paganism which was a universal religion alive at the time of Jesus. Trinitarian paganism started after the flood. Before the flood, the first Manifestation Adam had the people He was teaching separated from the people in the world that were pagan. Regular paganism started before Adam. Before Adam there were four great civilizations coming after one another with four great Manifestations. There has never been a time when humanity was without the guidance of a Manifestation. But during these four earlier civilizations, which each ended in a catastrophe, the people had not evolved to thinking in the abstract, so their civilizations did not teach an abstract God. The people knew they didn't create themselves, but since they hadn't evolved to understanding the abstract invisible God, they worshipped whatever they thought was more powerful than them or gave life to them--mostly the sun, moon and stars. This nature worship was the earliest type of pagan religion. The first pagan civilization's name is not known, but the next were Mu, Lemuria and Atlantis. The sinking of Atlantis came just before Adam. These people were just starting to think in the abstract so --God for the first time revealed Himself as the One invisible God through the words of the Prophet Adam. The book of Genesis mentions the Prophet Adam, who had a wife named Eve, and it also mentions a story about them in the Garden of Eden--a parable that is outside of the scope of this present writing. When He s started revealing God to the people of His day, Adam found that most people had not evolved far enough to accept His message, so He taught His family. The descendants of Adam became spiritual, and He moved them to a secluded region in the mountains between Tibet and Eastern Turkestan called the Tarim basin . After 1500 years, these descendants of Adam started having intercourse with people outside of the Adamic race who weren't living according to His Revelation. Adam's people started to revert back to their old condition, and they became corrupt, which was why they were drowned in the flood. The valley or mountain basin they were in filled up like a kitchen sink, drowning everyone except for those that were on Noah's ark. After the ark landed on Mt. Ararat, the people Noah taught went into Shinar in Mesopotamia, which was populated by pagans. These pagans lived through the flood because they weren't surrounded by mountains--the water just destroyed their dwellings. After the flood, the wild animals began increasing faster than man. Of course, the animals could run faster than man, and they had sharp teeth and claws with which they would tear up and eat people. The people, who were now without dwellings, had become vulnerable to the attacks of wild animals, and were easy prey. However there was a giant among the Adamites named Nimrod, an enormous man who was able to tear a lion or bull apart with his hands, and would wear the horns of the bull on his head as sign of his might. Babylonian art depicts Nimrod as half man, half bull, with cloven hoofs, a tail and the horns of a bull on, his head, the typical depiction of the devil or Satan (see enclosed). This shows where this concept of the devil began. The 10th chapter of Genesis describes Nimrod:
Nimrod's empire, starting in Babylon, extended from the Middle East to the Straits of Gibraltar in the west. It was the first empire in the history of the world. Nimrod established his empire by forming horseback hunting parties--he was the first man to tame the horse--with which he protected the people and gathered them from the forests into cities. The family of his wife Semiramis, who were masons, built walls around these people that they gathered together, and they built a tower. They went from place to place gathering the people, protecting them from the animals. Nimrod would kill many of the wild animals so that the people could plant gardens and forage for food . Nimrod became a great man and was a renowned benefactor, as he taught Adam' s revelation of the One Invisible God everywhere he went. He was a very highly religious person. This is why he is referred to as "Lucifer," which means "light-bringer"--Nimrod spread the civilizing light of Adam's Revelation People were more than happy to accept his empire, as they considered him like an angel. But later on Nimrod fell. The fourteenth chapter of Isaiah says:
Although the people loved Nimrod, as they were greatly in his debt, they came to dislike the spiritual laws of Adam , resenting the strict personal discipline these entailed. They put pressure upon Nimrod to release them from these laws, and Nimrod relented. Mythology recounts Nimrod's fall in the story of Atlas, who lifts the heavens up to his shoulders. Since Atlas (Nimrod) was a giant, this allowed the people to walk in complete freedom rather than bowed in humility before the discipline of Adam's Revelation. With another heave Atlas (Nimrod) raises the heavens above the sycamores, and then with a third heave he raises the heavens up above the mountains, which represents the total perversion of religion which Nimrod allowed--resulting in all types of licentiousness, corruption, perversion, orgies, drinking parties, drugs, etc...and this all entered into their religion. This brought the people away from turning to the One True Invisible God, and returned them to the worship of the sun, moon and stars, with Nimrod's father Cush represented by Jupiter, and Nimrod represented by Saturn. According to mythology Saturn was born from Jupiter. We get the word 'Satan" from the word "Saturn"--the star of Nimrod. This religion spread all over the world. The Bible says that there were different languages throughout Nimrod's empire, there was a confusion of tongues. The way to say Nimrod and his attributes was different from place to place. Thus it eventually became lost that the various pagan male gods were the same--it was all the same religion centered around Nimrod. At the time that Nimrod's empire was becoming corrupt, there was alive in the world a very highly spiritual being--Shem--who is also known in the Bible as Melchizedek . Shem, who lived 500 years after the flood, was the beloved son of Noah. He became aware of Nimrod ' s violations of the revelation of Adam. Shem spoke to the 72 judges of Egypt, who administered the laws Adam, notifying them that Nimrod had completely corrupted Adam' Revelation and was now an apostate. These 72 judges listened to him and agreed with him. At this time, Nimrod was away expanding his empire, but when he returned, he was brought to trial before 30 of the judges. They found him guilty of apostasy, of perverting the religion of Adam, and they sentenced him to death. Before they could execute the sentence, he had to be brought before the full body of 72 judges, and this full Council decided he should be cut up in pieces, with the different parts of his body sent to the different nations of his empire to show them how dastardly a matter it is to corrupt the Revelation of God. When Nimrod's widow Semiramis received a chunk of her husband's body with a note attached explaining this was in punishment of Nimrod's apostasy, she was furious . She was greatly loved by the people, as her family had built the walls of their cities, and she was considered the most beautiful woman in the world. Religious scholar and historian of Babylon, Alexander Hislop, writes:
Semiramis became pregnant, but since Nimrod had died long before her pregnancy, people wondered how this pregnancy came about. Semiramis explained that she was impregnated by the Holy Spirit, which resided in her womb. When the child was born, she said he was the divine incarnation of his father Nimrod, and she named him Bar-Nin, meaning "son of Nimrod" (The word Nimrod comes from "Nimr," which means "leopard," and "rod," which means "to subdue"). Because of the diverse languages, Nimrod and Bar-Nin were called by different names from place to place. For instance, in Egypt, Bar-Nin was called Horus, the divine son in whom Osiris (Nimrod) incarnated after he was dismembered and the pieces of his body were dispersed among the nations. The divine mother who gave birth to this divine son was Isis, the Egyptian name for Semiramis. Thus there were now three gods to whom worship was due--a father god, a son god, and a holy mother goddess--yet all of these were to be considered equal, because they were all to be considered equal parts of a triune god. Semiramis replaced the emperor ship of Nimrod with this new trinitarian religion. She indoctrinated her "divine son" into this religion, teaching him the Babylonian mystery of the three gods in one, and she set him up as the first high priest or Pontifex Maximus of trinitarianism. The people of the decaying empire of Nimrod turned to this religion in place of the emperor Nimrod, The trinity became an international pagan religion that spread throughout the world, and it eventually took over the Revelation of the true Divine Religions as they appeared--Judaism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Christianity. Thus from Semiramis came a whole new type of paganism. Some of this religion retained worshipping the sun, moon and stars as god, but most importantly, it produced the triune god with Nimrod being god, Nimrod becoming incarnate in the son through the Holy Spirit, and Semiramis being the first madonna. Thus this trinitarian religion was born into the world. At first the people had to be convinced that this trinity was really true. In response, Semiramis offered a golden cup of intoxicants to the people who would come to pay tribute to her and her divine son. This concoctions dulled their senses, convincing them to submit to initiation into the Babylonian mysteries of the three separate gods as one god, and she indoctrinated some of the people into a priesthood. A great deal of regalia and pomp accompanied this new trinitarian religion. The Pontifex Maximus, or "chief priest," wore a great hat or miter shaped like a fish, since they said that Nimrod had originally come into the world from the sea. These narration's show Nimrod's identity with the Philistine fish god Dagon. The Pontifex Maximus held a shepherd's crosier, representing the fact that Nimrod had been the "shepherd king" who herded the people into cities after the flood. And the Pontifex Maximus bore with him the "keys of Janus and Cybele,keys representing the "mysteries" brought into the world by Nimrod and Semiramis. This trinitarian religion spread all over the world. The people of Greece got their religion from Phoenicia and Egypt which had both been part of Nimrod's empire. Rome also got its religion from Phoenicia and Egypt. This pagan religion spread throughout Europe, so that the Druids in England, the Norsemen the Danes, the Norwegians, and the Germans all had the same gods, only under different names. Each son of Bar-Nin was called the Pontifex Maximus, with the individual who bore this title filling the role of both king of Babylon and head of the pagan trinitarian church. Each pontiff was worshipped as a god, and when he died, his statue was placed in a pantheon to be worshipped. The pontiffs, and Semiramis as well, were each worshipped for a different specific purpose. One was worshipped for fertility, another for wealth, another for health, another for salvation, and so forth. This religion revolving around the throne of Satan (Satan=Saturn=Nimrod) continued from century to century, although the breadth of Nimrod's empire was never again brought together under one supreme control. There were clashes for supremacy, with various nations trying to win control. Finally, in the last quarter of the 7th century B.C., the Pontifex Maximus Nebuchadnezzar, who was a direct descendant of Bar-Nin, established an empire in Babylon simulating Nimrod's, though not nearly as large. Nebuchadnezzar called himself "the Conqueror of the world," and he conquered the monotheistic Jews, taking them and their king back with him to Babylon. However in 538 B.C., Cyrus, the King of the newly formed Median-Persian empire, conquered the Babylonian empire. Cyrus hated the trinitarian pagan religion of Babylon, since he worshipped the One True Invisible God which he learned of through Zoroaster, the ancient Persian Manifestation of God (Zoroaster began His mission in 1000 B.C.). Cyrus allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem were they would later rebuild their temple, and he drove the pagan Babylonian throne of Satan completely out his realm and out of the Middle East. The throne of Satan did not die, however. It was continued in the kingship of Pergamum in Asia Minor, which is Turkey today. The second chapter of the Book of Revelations describes Pergamum as the city of Satan's throne (Revelations 2:12-13) where trinitarian paganism entered Christianity. Once the kingship of Pergamum died out, the position of Pontifex Maximus needed a new home. The pagan triune god found its new capital city in Rome. Hislop writes:
In 325 A.D. at the Council of Nicea, Constantine made an official decree combining the doctrine of the pagan trinity the Revelation of Jesus Christ. The trinity became the law of the Roman empire if anyone refused to accept the new trinity with Jesus as the physically incarnated divine son of the father god, they would be put to death. In 381 A.D., the Roman emperor Gratian refused to wear the paraphernalia of Satan, but he passed it to the Roman Pope Damasus. Since Damasus, every Pope of Rome has worn the garb of Satan--the fish hat, the crosier, and the keys of Janus and Cybele. Today, Pope John Paul II wears the garb of Satan. As the pagans had worshipped their gods (icons of their deceased pontiffs) in their pantheons and temples, they now worshipped their patron saints and their lcons in cathedrals and churches. Semiramis--who was Ashtoreth to the Jews, Aphrodite in Greece, Venus in Rome, known also as Astarte, Ishtar, Aurora, Diana, Rhea, Urania, and Isis--was worshipped now as Jesus' mother Mary. These pagan practices and concepts of the trinity continue in full bloom today in the Catholic church! Historian Will Durant states that paganism conquered Christianity, saying that paganism continued "in the form of ancient rites and customs condoned or accepted and transformed by an often indulgent Church." Durant explains:
So this is the world to which the second Christ comes. Why haven't the people turned to the second Christ, the One that God sent to bring the Kingdom of God on earth? Because they're drunk with the wine of the Babylonian whore...believing in three gods in the place of the One True God. Jesus never said He was a god or that there was a trinity of gods that were all gods. Nor did Jesus say that Mary or anyone else was a god or goddess to be prayed to. No wonder the people don't accept the return of Christ--they're in paganism. The second Christ, Baha'u'llah has come, and He fulfills the prophecies for the Prince of Peace. In order to show you to show you his proofs, we first had to clear away some cobwebs and see what kind of a world Baha'u'llah comes to, and why the people of the world have not accepted Him. No wonder Baha'u'llah was arrested, no wonder He was put in prison, no wonder the clergy today reject Him--they're in the religion of Satan .